BIG PICTURE Innovation Model
The innovation model BIG PICTURE was developed by the team around Prof. Dr. Hans Lercherfrom CAMPUS02 in Graz. The aim is to enable small and medium-sized enterprises to increase their innovation performance. The model helps to optimally map and systematically support innovation processes in the company.
Because the ability to innovate is indisputably one of the most important factors for the future of companies. For this reason, it is more essential than ever to understand innovation management simply and to implement it practically. AnyIdea digitalises the processes envisaged and mapped in the BIG PICTURE and supports companies in exploiting the full potential of innovation. Not least through the automation of processes, active communication, transparency, data-driven insights and artificial intelligence.
"Innovation management has nothing to do with random or unstructured work by individual innovation drivers. Quite the opposite - innovation management follows well thought-out processes that are optimised for the business environment."
DR Hans Lercher | FH CAMPUS 02 | Graz

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