AnyIdea is awarded the eAward 2020
Solutions for a new economy
In times of home offices and reduced personal contacts - but also of climate change - everything in business is being put to the test: internal processes, production and supply chains, addressing target groups, customer services and much more.The eAward sheds light on what new possibilities and what efficient tools and innovative solutions will remain in the long run.For 15 years, the eAward has been a platform for the best IT-related projects and solutions. It is organised annually by the specialist publisher Report with the Federal Chancellery - Platform Digital Austria - and with the support of other sponsors. Products, services and solutions from the DACH region are awarded. The award-winning solutions help companies to continue their business consistently, securely and sustainably or to change it in the long term.
A super approach to support this strategic challenge of most companies today and optimise processes in the process.
- Jury Quote
AnyIdea awarded in the Teamwork category
The jury, consisting of experts and leading personalities from the ICT and communications industry, media, consulting, labour market and education, is enthusiastic. The jury's assessment is based on the customer benefits achieved. Among other things, the economic efficiency of the project, the sustainability in terms of securing the company on the market as well as the creativity of the solution are considered. With our solution AnyIdea, we were able to convince the jury on all levels.

"This is how innovation works"
The jury emphasised that AnyIdea "fills a gap in the strategy work of many companies". It is precisely this gap that mogree wanted to address with AnyIdea. Innovation is quickly neglected in normal day-to-day business. But we know how important new and especially digital solutions are to remain competitive as a company. AnyIdea recognises ideas with potential so that you become more innovative in the long term. With the powerful All-in-One SaaS solution, you can easily practice Open Innovation. Through co-creation with employees, customers, experts or partners, you generate ideas in the shortest possible time and at any location. Online on the web, mobile in the app or on the tablet.
AnyIdea is constantly being developed and optimised based on feedback from our customers. For the next version of AnyIdea, we are investing in artificial intelligence and machine learning. This is a groundbreaking development for the digital future of innovation management. If you don't want to miss any more updates, then subscribe to our newsletter.
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