What do I lose if I don't innovate?
Innovation secures you for the future!
You don't lose access to the market and thus to the customer. If you don't innovate, you lose your lead over your competitors. Without innovation, the company does not develop further.
Without innovation, you lose your competitiveness!
Technological innovations are the most important driver of competitiveness. And that applies to all industries. Not only product innovations are important. They ensure that you can maintain your margin. Process innovations can also provide a competitive advantage, as they can make production more efficient.
Innovation is the ability to adapt to the future and to respond to change in a targeted way. This is the only way to develop. If the company manages to solve problems before others do, it creates a competitive advantage that others cannot easily catch up with.
Without innovation you lose the connection
The world is turning faster and faster: products, markets, technologies, consumers - everything is changing faster than ever before. Customers are becoming more demanding, pressure is coming from globalisation, knowledge is available everywhere in sufficient quantities. Therefore, as a company, you also have to move a little faster and go with the change. So that you don't lose your position in the market. So that you survive as a company.
AnyIdea helps out
Regardless of whether innovation is closed or "open", innovation is important. Especially in current times of competitive pressure and fear of survival, the topic of open innovation can be extremely helpful so that you don't lose out. With AnyIdea, you can easily implement innovations and build a culture of innovation. Always and everywhere. Quickly and easily. So that your organisation can also become more innovative.
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