

Idea Campaigns and Innovation Challenges have an integrated gamification and scoring system.

  1. Go into a campaign
  2. Select the Ideas tab

You can see the points of an idea directly in the grid or list view and also in the detail view.
Depending on positive interactions, idea creators and ideas receive points:

- If an idea creator submits an idea, it receives 8 points.
- If an idea receives a Like, it receives 3 points. If you like your own ideas, no points are awarded.
- If an idea is marked as relevant, it receives 15 points.
- If an idea is rated with a value >5 during the evaluation, with the evaluation criterion provided for gamification, it receives 30 points (if not deactivated in the settings).
- If an idea is among the top 5 ideas at the end of the campaign, it receives 10 points.

The number of points of ideas shows a first tendency how interesting or popular certain ideas are with the participants/users.

Start AnyIdea free of charge

Completely non-binding and without time limit.