
Idea generation and completion with AI

AI idea generation‍

Campaign managers can now generate up to 20 ideas per campaign with AI support, including title, description, image and tags. This is how it works:

  • Describe the problem: For which problem should ideas be generated? e.g. "How could we extend the life of our vehicles to minimize their environmental impact?"
  • Select purpose: What purpose or goals should they fulfill? In the drop-down menu, select whether the ideas should, for example, ensure greater sustainability, increase customer satisfaction or save costs. We recommend that you base your choice of purpose on the objective of the idea campaign.
  • Number of ideas: A maximum of 20 ideas can be generated per campaign. 💡Tip: For a variety of ideas, select different problem descriptions and purposes.
idea management, idea generation, ideation
AI idea generation

AI idea completion

Campaign managers, evaluators and scouts can complete their ideas with AI support, provided the corresponding setting "AI completion of ideas" is activated in the campaign settings. Up to three text additions and three images can be generated.

Activate AI idea completion in the campaign settings

They can now describe their revolutionary flash ideas with keywords or in a short text, and do the rest, such as formulating and structuring them in

  • Problem
  • Idea
  • Solution
  • Customers
  • Effects

the AI takes over.

ideation, ideation platform, idea management
AI idea completion

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