Product Updates
Q2 2024

Flow & UI/UX improvements

All relevant trends & signals at a glance

The quick filters on Trends & Signals have been updated: All, New, Relevant and Saved

New - shows all new trends & signals since the last prioritization

Relevant - shows current trends & signals with a priority of more than 75% (corresponds to the information on the AI-Scout overview).

Saved - shows the saved trends and signals (previously Relevant), now with a bookmark icon instead of the star icon.

After each prioritization, an indicator on the categories marks newly identified relevant trends and signals. This improvement provides a clearer indication of where new trends & signals can be found.

Signal and trend scouting, monitoring
New quick filters and indicators improve the overview of relevant and newly discovered trends and signals.

Trend Radar in trend detail

Trends can now be evaluated and displayed directly in the trend detail on the Trend Radar. By clicking on the switcher, you can see how the trend performs both in the Trend Portfolio and in the Trend Radar.

trend management, trend radar, trend portfolio
Trend Radar & Trend Portfolio directly in the Trend Detail

Copy AI-Scout

The "Copy AI-Scout" function allows users to seamlessly continue an existing AI-Scout and adapt it to their current requirements.

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