Trend Radar & relevant trends
Trend Radar
All evaluated trends are now also visualized in the Trend Radar in addition to the Trend Portfolio. The main difference between a Trend Portfolio and a Trend Radar is the arrangement and presentation of the axes.
The Trend Portfolio positions the "Potential" and "Own Competence" axes opposite each other and uses the size of the bubbles to represent "Time to Market". The Trend Radar, on the other hand, visualizes the time dimension, "Time to Market", directly on the x-axis and "Potential" on the y-axis. The size of the bubbles represents the company's own expertise.
Relevant trends
The new section "Macro trends marked as relevant" on the Focus page shows all macro trends previously marked as relevant in the AI-Scouts, which are available for evaluation and visualization in the Trend Radar & Portfolio. You will find all marked trends in the Focus menu item. These are categorized as follows with the help of (user-related) quick filters:
- All: own trends and trends marked as relevant by colleagues
- Mine: my highlighted trends
- To evaluate: my trends to be evaluated
- Evaluated: all trends that have been evaluated by me
Data categories clickable on KI-Scout Card
The data categories on the AI-Scout card are now clickable and take you directly to the corresponding tab on the AI-Scout detail screen.