Zamperla | With digital ideation to new business areas
Company and history
Zamperla in Italy uses AnyIdea for digital brainstorming with employees. Innovations are an important part of the company and indispensable for its success.
Zamperla is a family business founded by Antonio Zamperla in Italy. The story begins with horse racing, street cinemas and continues with the artisanal production of amusement rides. He realised that popular attractions for adults could be successfully reproduced for children, such as bumper cars. His son, Alberto Zamperla, additionally opened up the American market in the 1970s. Since then, the company has been growing steadily and successfully.
One of the highlights was the production of seven attractions for Disneyland in Paris in the 1980s. Zamperla also produced one of the roller coasters in the Vienna Prater. In addition to Disney, the family-owned company works with Universal, Warner Bros, Six Flags and Paramount. Just like Walt Disney, George Ferris and Walter Knott, Antonio Zamperla was inducted into the IAAPA Hall of Fame in 2005 for his contribution to the industry.
The goal
At Zamperla, innovation is an important priority. Every day they try to improve existing processes and develop new products. This has the advantage for customers that they benefit from new attractions, modern technical solutions and optimised services. The company wants to generate ideas and innovations for a stable and secure future with AnyIdea. They are cleverly using the current time of crisis to discover new opportunities. The employees play a big role in this as idea generators.
We look to the future and do our best to be more and more creative and courageous in implementing innovation every day.
- Zamperla
The advantages
Zamperla's employees are spread all over the world. In addition to the headquarters in northern Italy, there are branches in the USA, the Philippines, China, Dubai and Russia. Due to the decentralisation and home offices, the employees cannot hold joint workshops. This is exactly where AnyIdea comes in. As a digital platform and SaaS solution (Software as a Service), AnyIdea is always available and ready for use. Idea generators can send ideas regardless of location, time and device, online as well as mobile, and be innovative at any time. Ideas and new business areas are found in a very simple way.

The result
STEP 1: Bonus Campaign
As a first step, a campaign was launched to find out which prizes and incentives are most popular. In case an idea wins and is implemented. Over 60 ideas were generated in this way. From a simple cinema voucher to a useful 3D printer.
STEP 2: New Business Areas Campaigns
This was followed by the second campaign, "New Business Areas". More specifically, it was about solutions related to Covid-19 and Social Distancing. Zamperla had to specifically deal with the impact of Covid-19 on amusement parks and think about the future of the company. With AnyIdea, Zamperla was thus able to find new approaches and business areas. With state-of-the-art solutions from Zamperla +, visits to amusement parks are to be made safe and also digitalised, even in times of a global pandemic.
With a campaign duration of three months, the company was able to win countless ideas. 14 of these ideas were ranked as top ideas and 29 ideas as radical innovations. Two top ideas have already been implemented and several are currently being pursued. In this way, Zamperla was able to realise sustainable competitive advantages within a short time, with co-creation of the employees and AnyIdea as a digital tool for idea generation.
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