Scouting results
Depending on individual use cases and topics, AI-Scout results can be used in a variety of ways:
- Evaluation & relevance: Summary, rating and visualization of the most important results on a topic or technology.
- Future Field Scouting: Identification of industry, topic and technology-related trends.
- Signal scouting: Identification of existing solutions, companies, research or news on a topic or technology.
- Monitoring: Continuous updates and notification of new, relevant signals by e-mail.
Evaluation & relevance of a topic
The importance, progress and growth of a topic can be quickly and easily identified using three options in AnyIdea:
The most important results on a topic in just a few sentences: The AI assistant automatically summarizes identified results and the most important findings on your topic for you.
Rating of maturity & urgency
Do you want to know how mature and advanced a topic or a specific technology is in your industry?
The AI assistant calculates a "maturity level" and "urgency" based on the underlying data. Specific or technology-related scouting topics such as "AI in agriculture" or "Power-to-X" are ideal for this.
Urgency: The urgency of a technology or topic with regard to an industry is determined by the increasing number of current signals in certain signal categories and their composition. These provide information about increasing market pressure, regulatory requirements or increasing competition. (1 - not urgent, 10 - very urgent)
Maturity level: The maturity level determines the extent to which a technology or topic is already in practical use and established in an industry. (1 - low degree of maturity, 10 - high degree of maturity)

Future Field Scouting
In addition to the most important signals, AI scouts also identify relevant patterns and clusters in the data, known as future fields. The most relevant future field clusters are visualized in the "Future Fields" tab and show how important and "large" individual future fields are, based on the underlying signals.
Click on a future field in the bubble or grid view to access the details. Here you can also view the data on which the future field is based in a comprehensible and transparent manner. Future fields can then be saved, evaluated and managed in the trend portfolio.
Development of Future Fields:
Changes in the data can lead to the future fields adapting accordingly. A future field is either expanded by newly added signals or, in the event of significant changes in the data situation, completely new future fields are created over time.

Further information:
Signal Scouting
If you are looking specifically for relevant signals such as micro-trends, start-ups, research projects or patents on a topic or technology, you can do this in the signal view of an AI scout. The results are clearly structured according to data categories, and the most important signals are always displayed at the top (sorted according to AI prioritization). This means you can always see the most relevant results at first glance. This saves you a lot of time and important resources in scouting and research and significantly reduces your workload.

Furtherinformation :
- Data and categories
- What data does AnyIdea use?
- AI-Prio score and calculation
- Tips for better scouting results
Always stay up to date! AnyIdea scouts and aggregates new data sources and data 24/7. Our AI-Scouts automatically process this data for you on a weekly basis and calculate new AI priorities. If there are new relevant signals with an AI priority of over 75%, you will be informed by email. This means you can keep an eye on everything and won't miss anything.
Further information:
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